Instructional Leadership
Michael Ciliberto |
Director of Physical Education, Health and Wellness |
508-540-2200 x3146 |
Teaticket School Staff
Teaticket School phone: (508) 548-1550
The Physical Education and Health Department of Falmouth Public Schools is proud to offer instruction and experiences for students of all ages in which they can develop healthy bodies and minds. By focusing on a commitment to wellness, students learn how to enhance their own well being through healthy decision-making and physical activity. The SHAPE America’s National Standards and the Massachusetts State Frameworks guide the PE/Health curriculum.
Falmouth students experience a range of activities and learning opportunities in their Physical Education courses including participation in team sports, an extensive Project Adventure course and units on fitness. Health course offerings complement this wellness approach by exploring topics such as nutrition, drugs and alcohol, conflict resolution and goal setting.
The department’s vision and mission statements summarize the PE and Health Department’s goal to support wellness among all Falmouth Public School students.
Vision Statement
All Falmouth Public School students will take responsibility for pursuing life-long healthy choices.
Mission Statement
The Physical Education/Health Department will provide instruction that focuses on the importance of health and physical activity. This will be achieved through knowledge, decision-making, and skill application that includes cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains in a safe and cooperative learning environment.